ROOTED provides the opportunity to connect with God, the church community and your purpose in unexpected, life-changing ways. Our next ROOTED will be offered in the Fall as the whole church is currently in group discipleship with "Emotionally Healthy Spirituality" on Wednesday Nights at 6:30pm. Open to everyone.
Discipleship Groups
WEDNESDAY FAMILY NIGHTS for Everyone! Our DEEP DIVE study is called “The Image of God”. We are exploring the scriptural meaning and application of God’s Image being reflected in every person. Our identity and purpose is found in the One who created us! An All-Church Meal is served at 5:45pm each week and then Adult Groups, Young Adults, Youth Group and “Kid’s Adventure Club” begins at 6:30pm.
Monthly events & activities to build friendships, serve the community and sometimes just to have fun learning, laughing and lifting someone’s spirit.